lördag 26 september 2020

Dangerous Trump mob

 I wrote this to an American friend today. For my non-Swedish-reading readers.

I wrote in 2016 that what I saw happening when the Trump/Bannon-mob took over 

had similarities with what happened in the German 1930:s. Trump has not only 

made the US a place most nations look away from, but he is, because of your 

nation´s power, wrecking much of the old democratic world order. 

     The Hitler-gang did the same thing. A small trivial and insignificant Austrian 

sergeant did not look like much of a threat - and you could say that of the

hot-dog-stand-vendor in the White House too... But after a couple of years with 

yes-saying German ordinary citizens Hitler more or less wrecked the entire planet, 

and when I listen to the trumpy mob I can see similarities. It is so frustrating 

and inexplicable that the American public just stands there, going on mowing 

the lawns and hoping for better weather and more antiabortionists and other 

devout idiots to call the shots.

     The US scares me for the first time since that other idiot (Kennedy) was 

running the show. I remember our discussions in 1962-1963 - I did my military 

service then, when the threat that many thought came from Castro (it sounds 

so ridiculous to even say that today) actually came from the WH.

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